Thursday, April 9, 2015

Kieve Day 4-Afternoon

Good Afternoon! Today is the last full day the students have at Kieve, and they certainly made the best of it!

During Skills and Relationships, the students did an activity called Profiles. Their Educators gave them 3-5 words that described themselves and encouraged the students to write down whatever popped into their heads about each word. The Educator then revealed that the words were descriptors of themselves. This led to a discussion about stereotypes, why we use them, how harmful they can be.

For Decisions, the students did various activities, depending on the groups. There was another blind maze, where the students needed to lead a blindfolded teammate through a maze. A few groups were given a challenge of rolling a marble (then a larger ball) down a man-made half pipe into a bucket. The challenge grew with newer and more difficult levels that the students took on with gusto. Another activity was where the students were separated into two groups, not to compete against each other, but to work together, and they needed to use foot long blocks to get from one corner of the room to another. The students were not directly told they were not competing against each other, but they automatically assumed they were. When they finally realized they could work as a whole large group, the activity went more smoothly and was more successful.

At solo time, the students wrote a letter to themselves that we will hopefully be handing back in the future; possibly at 8th grade recognition.

Adventure today was purely partner climbs! It was very fun to watch as the students worked together to climb HUGE implements together, pulling each other up, cheering each other on. It was incredibly rewarding to see how far everyone has come with their confidence in their climbing.

I think that even though the students have loved having this week to try all of these new things, they are going to be very excited to come home tomorrow. They will have so many stories that they will want to share. Please encourage them to do so!